An ultra rare original 1955 Belgian vintage movie poster for The Man with the Golden Arm (L'Homme Au Bras D'or), an American drama film with elements of film noir. It recounts the story of a drug addict who gets clean while in prison, but struggles to stay that way in the outside world.
The film stars Frank Sinatra, Eleanor Parker, Kim Novak, Arnold Stang and Darren McGavin.
The film's initial release was controversial for its treatment of the then-taboo subject of drug addiction. It was nominated for three Academy Awards. The minimalist artwork is by legend Saul Bass (The Shinning, Vertigo, North By Northwest, Walk On The Wild Side, Anatomy Of Murder to name a few), who made numerous film posters and title sequences over his 60 year career for Hollywood's most prominent filmakers. This is one of his earliest movie poster works - very hard to find.
The Man With The Golden Arm (1955)
Small (14" x 22") Belgian